Pentagon's link to Iraqi torture centres - The Guardian

US special forces veteran links General Petraeus to torture in Iraq - video trailer

Full-length film investigation about James Steele

Pentagon and Iraqi torture centres | David Petraeus had knowledge of secret Iraqi detainment and torture centers | The Guardian

From El Salvador to Iraq: Washington's man behind brutal police squads - The Guardian

Steele is now living near Bryan Texas.

Research on Death Squads in Iraq - Brüssel Tribunal - The Brussels Tribunal

James Steele,  James Coffman,  David Petraeus, Muntadher al-Samari, Todd Greentree,
Adnan Thabit, Jerry Burke, El Salvador,  Celerino Castillo, George Vickers, Douglas Brand, Paul Wolfowitz, Ahmed Kadhom, Mowaffak al-Rubaie, Neil Smith, Sanchez, Peter Pace, FRAGO 242, Jarrell Southall, Henry Crumpton, Georges W. Bush,  Donald Rumsfeld, Angela Merkel, Sheik Saad Al-Janabi, Obama, Abul Waleed, Wolf Brigade, Richard B. Cheney, Peter Maass, Gilles Peress, Samarra, Nicaragua, Bougainville, Angola, Nepal, Vietnam,